
The mission of Mother Teresa of Calcutta Catholic School is to integrate technology into their overall academic experience. The assimilation of technology skills is essential for today’s students to meet state standards, perform on assessments, and to prepare them for college and career readiness. MTC is committed to utilizing technology by providing access to digital tools in all classes.

1:1 Technology Program:

  • Students in grades 6-8 are issued a school owned iPad package that can be taken home.
  • Students in grades K-5 are issued “in school” 1:1, meaning they have a personal iPad available for use during the school day.
  • Students in grades 3-8 are issued a Microsoft Office 365 account that provides access to email for communication with teachers, staff and MTC students. OneDrive, OneNote, Office Online and may other cloud tools are available for use.

Classroom Technology: 

  • Shared technology lab with desktop computers for all students.
  • Cart of laptops available for a whole class use.
  • Shared laptops in each room including the Library/Media Center.
  • Smart TVs (3-8th) and Apple TVs (K-8).
  • Vibe interactive whiteboards in grades K-8.
  • Smartboard SmartTables in Kindergarten.

Technology Instruction:

A critical focus of a 21st century school is the integration of technology into the students’ learning environment. Technology is incorporated throughout our curriculum as a fundamental tool which enhances learning and mastery. Today’s students need to develop critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration and other 21st century skills to excel in our digital world. Inquiry–based learning uses a project-based approach to integrating technology into core instruction. With technology projects in ELA, math, science, social studies and religion, our inquiry provides opportunities to build 21st century skills that will serve students well in high school, college, and in life. Mother Teresa of Calcutta Catholic School follows the International Society for Technology Education Standards (ISTE) to measure competency, set higher goals and engage critical thinking skills through coding.