Crusader Boys Track Team Wins FIRST PLACE
CONGRATULATIONS to our Crusader Boys Track Team for a wonderful season! The Varsity team finished in FIRST PLACE dominating several field and running events! The JV team entered the weekend in 3rd place and finished 2nd for the season! The boys did a phenomenal job representing our school not only in performance but in sportsmanship and we couldn’t be any prouder of these young men. Special thanks to Dr. Vo of Target Optical, the parents, and the coaches for their support in making this a truly memorable year. Go Crusaders!!
Trimester Awards
Honor roll is awarded to students in grades 4-8 who encompass merit and integrity that results in academic and behavior success. Honor Roll is determined by grades in all subject areas, Approaches to Learning in all classes and Conduct. Each trimester, we also award Christian Citizenship for grades K-8. The students in each homeroom voted for their classmate that behaves as Jesus did by helping others, treating others with kindness, being humble and following the Ten Commandments.

Soccer Championship Win
Congratulations!!! to our soccer team for their championship win yesterday. It was an exciting game. We are very proud of all of you. Go Crusaders!!!